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Soul is with Jeremie Serrano

You might’ve noticed our new billboards popping up around the city. They feature real Memphians who are bringing their souls to what they love every day. Jeremie Serrano speaks on what soul means to him: “Soul, it’s a beautiful word if you think about it, and too many it can mean a variety of different…



Soul is with Kela Jones

You may have noticed some soulful billboards around town featuring the Memphians we know and love. One such Memphian is Kela Jones, CodeCrew’s Director of Development. When asked about what soul means to her, Kela says, “For me, soul is that intangible “thing” that is left behind. Soul is the memories left behind by family and friends. Soul…



Soul is with Shavéh

Our billboards are all across the city, shining a spotlight on Memphians who inspire our souls every day. Among these folks is Shavéh, a courageous Memphian bringing her soul to what she’s passionate about. When asked what “soul is courage” means to her, she says, “Soul is courage to me means being unapologetic about sharing…



Soul is with Tyler Berreta

Have you spotted our new billboards? They feature real Memphians who are bringing their souls to what they love every day. Among these Memphians is Tyler Berreta, as seen on the “Soul is Heart” billboard. “With “Soul is Heart”, I find it to be so fitting for me personally. I’ve always been one to wear…



Soul is with MonoNeon

By now, you’ve probably seen our billboards. They feature real Memphians who bring their souls to what they’re passionate about every day. One such Memphian is MonoNeon, an American bassist and experimental musician based right here in Memphis, Tennessee. His unique style and approach to music caught the attention of many top industry musicians, including…



Soul Is with Bartholomew Jones

Soul. We all know that Memphis is the birthplace of soul music, but this idea is much bigger than that. It’s about generosity and kindness, activism and spirit, creativity and curiosity. In this series, we ask Memphis artists to talk about what soul means to them. View Bartholomew Jones @ Distrokid Soul is the essence…



Soul Is with Brandon Kinder, The Wealthy West

Soul. We all know that Memphis is the birthplace of soul music, but this idea is much bigger than that. It’s about generosity and kindness, activism and spirit, creativity and curiosity. In this series, we ask Memphis artists to talk about what soul means to them. It’s hard not to think about Memphis when I…



Memphian Spotlight: Raheem Shabazz

Believe it or not, but when you need to get swole in preparation for the NBA draft, and you only have six months to get there, they send you to Memphis. That’s right, to none other than Raheem aka Coach Shabazz! Case in point, Darius Bazley, a top recruit, decided to forego college and a…



Sharing Their Souls: What does Soul mean to you?

You might’ve noticed our new billboards popping up around the city. They feature real Memphians who are bringing their souls to what they love every day. Take Sheila Guerrero, for example. One of our Next Century Memphians, she is passionate about Memphis, Soul, and how both inspire her every day. “Memphis brings the best out…

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