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Sharing Their Souls: What does Soul mean to you?

You might’ve noticed our new billboards popping up around the city. They feature real Memphians who are bringing their souls to what they love every day. Take Sheila Guerrero, for example. One of our Next Century Memphians, she is passionate about Memphis, Soul, and how both inspire her every day. “Memphis brings the best out…



Living in Memphis: Finding a forever home, or testing the waters?

As the Mississippi ebbs and flows, living in Memphis is quickly becoming one of the most enticing cities you can call home. This City has grown from the home of the blues, bar-b-que, and Beale Street, into the bustling hub of commerce, art, history, architecture and all flavors of entertainment, that you see before you.…

Food & Drink


Our Top 5 Picks for Kid-Friendly Restaurants in Memphis

Hip: Check. Trendy: Check. Delicious Food: Check. Kid-Friendly: Ummmm… When you want to go out to eat as a family, it’s not as simple as choosing from the top ten list on Yelp. You want a chance to unwind, relax with your partner and have a variety of menu options that sound delicious to your…



Behind The Curtain: Discovering Memphis’ Hidden Gems

In Memphis, you’re always dancing on a fine line—dancing between what you know and what you have yet to find out. We’re perfectly happy enjoying our world-famous live music, sports, and barbecue all while charting our own course searching for hidden gems off the beaten path. For those not in the know, we invite you…



In Memphis, Every Month Can Be Black History Month

“Alexa, play Boys II Men “Goodbye” Is it me or does the last week of Black History Month feel somewhat gloomy? But let’s be honest – in Memphis where 60 some percent of Memphians are Black – every month can be Black History Month. Every month, we should dedicate some time to uplift our history,…



The Who’s Who of Black Memphis Art Renaissance

Black History Month gives us an opportunity to pay homage to some great black artists Memphis: from Aretha Franklin (yes, Detroit – she was born here), Issac Hayes, Ernest Withers and George Hunt. Memphis has and continues to birth culture creators and shifters.  There’s been a fresh wave of creatives sweeping over Memphis over the…



How to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions…All Year

This isn’t a post about making resolutions, it’s about keeping them… #PersonalDevelopment In December, you’re attending more parties than usual, traveling hundreds, if not thousands, of miles to visit family, shopping like crazy, and fighting with siblings about stuff you (almost) forgot about years ago. It’s the worst time to commit to eliminating bad habits.…



Millennials Honor Memphis’ Own Black History Figures

Each February we highlight some of the most inspirational African Americans that have ever lived. Some of us revisit and debate Dr. Martin Luther King’s “​I’ve Been to Mountaintop​” speech, some try to make it through all of Alex Haley’s “Roots” series, and others ride down Union Ave. blasting Beyonce’s “Formation”.  I slay.  While keeping…



Romantic things to do in Memphis

“Whether times are good or bad, happy or sad… Let’s stay together!” #AlGreen Whether you’re planning an unforgettable Valentine’s Day, a special anniversary, or even a mini-vacay to reignite the passion, romance is always in the air in Memphis—if you know where to look. Here is a list of the most romantic places in Memphis,…

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