Megan Sullivan Fashion Blogger

Megan Sullivan

There are three sides to every story: what’s hot, what’s a hot deal, and what’s worth wearing, no matter the price. After all, you always want to be able to make the case that you wore it best!

However, depending on your style and budget, you might only be able to get a third of the story. Don’t you want to be ready to walk a mile in thousand dollar shoes you scored for only $100? With a little help from Memphis native Megan Sullivan, you might just be able to.

Fashion Sense—and Cents

It’s simple economics, or more accurately, it’s Meganomics 101, where you’ll be hard-pressed to find items priced over $100. Say goodbye to unintentionally breaking the bank in your quest for the fashion’s finest. And if you’re as passionate about style as she is, you’ll do more than just save money, you’ll diversify your style portfolio.

Retail Therapy

Convenience used to be the primary benefit of online shopping. But it helped to know exactly what you were looking for. In the age of Amazon, where more and more retailers started expanding their online footprint to keep up, it’s likely that at one point or another you’ve felt overwhelmed when searching for clothes online. Especially when you factor in the pop-up ads and automated recommendations for brand name products which may or may not actually suit you. It’s like online retailers forgot the joy of window shopping or the spontaneity and surprise that local brick and mortar can offer.

Found in Translation

Megan is a 25-year-old, recent accounting and marketing college graduate—with a flair for style and savings. She’s developed a trendy and feminine look that is popular among young women. She’s already racked up 20k Instagram followers and shows no signs of slowing down.

Megan Sullivan Fashion Blogger with Phone and Computer

Known for her obsession with pink, her eye for affordable fashion, and her impeccable taste, Megan shares and inspires audiences around the world on a wide range of topics, including beauty tips and tricks, blogging, travel, lifestyle, fashion, and more. There’s no doubt that she’s already become a central component of many brands’ influencer marketing campaigns.

While Megan’s experience as a blogger and store owner may have been the main precursors to the niche she’s found herself in. It’s her passion, unique style, and Memphis upbringing that have undoubtedly paved the way for her continued success. In the sea of information we call the internet, it’s difficult finding high-quality information and practical advice. You definitely don’t have to be a shopaholic, coupon clipper, or fashionista to appreciate Megan’s approach to budget-friendly chic. You only need the unrelenting desire for all sides of every story…. Get in the know today by signing up for Meganomics today.

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