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Exclusive Premiere: Tori WhoDat – “Thru My City”

Just in time for your weekend, we’ve got the exclusive on brand new Tori WhoDat – check out the music video for “Thru My City”!


We asked Tori to tell us a little bit about this song and the story behind the video, produced and directed in collaboration with Street Savvy Unlimited and Iconick Films.

“It was March of 2014 when I ran into fellow Memphis lyricist Miscellaneous at a gas station and got an invitation to join him at the studio. Instead of heading home that night, I recorded ‘Thru My City’ in a closet with the legendary Big Phil as our engineer. Producer Chris3000 has been in my corner since 2013 so I had plenty of his beats on deck. This one was the first I played and it caused an immediate spark of inspiration. Miscellaneous expressed inner turmoil due to his grandmother’s passing and shared snippets of the trauma he has endured. I was dealing with another type of loss regarding personal relationships and vocalized an unfiltered glimpse of what was brewing in my head and heart.

This song is meant to be felt regardless of whether the listener can relate to every line. Different experiences can share similar emotions, and everyone is familiar with pain. The sting of deep wounds can resurface when you reminisce but sometimes cruising the streets that made you can be therapeutic.

This video takes place in downtown Memphis and reflects an evening out from an introspective view. Miscellaneous and I both address our anguish while the world carries on around us. As the sun sets, the heaviness settles. In the night, memories haunt the mind. In collaboration with Street Savvy Unlimited and Iconick Films, we created a cinematic visual that captures the sentiment of this struggle.”

Isaiah Conyers of Iconick Films says he loves working with Tori, and the “Thru My City” video was no exception.

“It’s always a joy to work with Tori and her team,” he says. “They always are willing to go the extra mile to make her productions come alive. We shot a music video that is stylish, but also personal. We didn’t want to make just some flashy video, but one that will make you remember what it’s like to be in your city, at night, thinking about everything that’s happening in your life. Maybe someone is sick, maybe your partner is tripping… but the night continues… and you have to continue with it.”

The vision for the video came from Street Savvy Unlimited: “When Tori first mentioned to us the concept for the song ‘Thru My City,’ we immediately envisioned a movie. We felt the theme of the music video as well as the branding for the song should embody that of a theatrical movie and its release. Since we had all worked with Isaiah Conyers on several other projects in the past, we knew he was the creative we needed to pull off our vision for the music video.”

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