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Ladies of Latino Memphis – Maria Grazia Boldrin

You may know just how hard the Latino Memphis works to support our city’s Latin/x/e community, but did you know that there are so many talented women behind the organization’s programs and endeavors? This Women’s History Month, we’re celebrating the women who are dedicated to driving Latino Memphis’ mission!

Please share your full name, pronouns, and title!

Maria Grazia Boldrin (She/her/ella) / Home Study and Post Release services Case Manager and Project Manager for Trafficking Victim Assistance Program

What inspired you to work at Latino Memphis?

The opportunity to help people at disadvantage due to their limited literacy, language o immigration conditions

How do you relate to Latino Memphis’ mission?

Mi jobs relate with the Latino Memphis’s mission 100%. 

  1. A) From the Heartland perspective, I work with unaccompanied minors and their sponsors (all of them from Central and South America), and I assist them by providing information and assistance to connect them with important services like low-cost clinics, education, and low-bono Immigration Attorneys, as well as other services that my clients may need like food pantries, free clothing, etc. 
  2. B) From the TVAP end, I provide the same services mentioned above but in addition, my clients are assigned a specific budget that I manage every month in order to pay for important services like housing (rent), doctors appointments, food, clothing, legal fees or any other needs that require to be paid when my clients don’t have the financial possibility to do so. I also advocate for my clients in specific situations in which they need assistance.

What do you love about what you do?

Everything! I love my clients, I love my coworkers, I love the institution that I work for… what else can I say?

Tell us a story about a time you saw your work make an impact on the Memphis community.

When I am assigned a case of an unaccompanied child who gets in the United States without legal status, looking for a school, for vaccines, for family stabilization, etc., I turn myself 100% in pursuing solutions for them, and when it comes the closure of the case and I know that the minor is healthy, full vaccinates, attending to school and has legal representation, my heart beats full of joy, not only for all that has been achieved with this specific child but because of the impact that this change will produce in other people.


To learn more about Latino Memphis, visit the website at or follow them at @latinomemphis!

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