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5 Memphis Podcasts Our Team Can’t Get Enough Of


In recent years, our city has become a national example of how the professional and amateur podcast community alike can thrive and expand. A good story is timeless, and we all know Memphis has many tales to tell.

With the emergence of so much local support for podcasts of all flavor and niches, we’ve put together a list of 5 entertaining, terrifying, and fascinating podcasts produced locally in our inspiring city. These selections will introduce you to a new perspective on the unique stories and experiences that all contribute to the story of Memphis. Each of these amazing podcasts can be found on your favorite Streaming services, such as Apple Music and Spotify.   Enjoy your adventure!

The Daily Memphian: Extra Podcast

What’s this about then?

The Daily Memphian: Extra Podcast Is a podcast about the daily lives, stories, and people who live, work, play and perform in and around Memphis! This podcast features everything about the daily goings on around Memphis, and the insight and opinions of the people who shape that experience. The Episodes generally come in around 30 minutes long and cover a variety of topics and interest points from around Memphis!

Start Here Season 1 Episode 18 Free Music, Historic Preservation, and the future of the Levitt Shell: Ten years after its rebirth, Natalie Wilson, the Executive Director of the Levitt Shell, talks about how free music remains possible at The Shell

Memphis Famous Podcast

What’s this about then?

Join locally renowned Professor, Comedian, podcast host, and Proud Memphian Catherine Sundt, as she explores and discusses the people who make this city so special. The show surrounds the interview and recognition of guests who are “Memphis Famous” for their contributions to society, art music and life as a Memphian. Catherine dives deeply into who they are, what inspires them, and what in their opinion makes Memphis the place that they are inspired to change. 

Start Here Episode 6: Ross Turner: Ross Turner joins the podcast to share stories and experiences about his life in the music industry, the best concerts he’s ever been to, tattoos and the best way to play videogames and keep the corona weight off!

The Daily Memphis: Destination Delicious

What’s this about then?

Memphis is a culinary utopia found in the Deep south that stretches its roots deeply in tradition, taste, and Legend, just like any amazing dish! Drawing inspiration from the multicultural and international flavor of Memphis, Host Jennifer Biggs brings you along as she explores the flavors, foods, and faces that make Memphis one of the most Inspiring culinary destinations in the Country. 

Start Here S1E33 Chef Tam Tells all: Jennifer joins local notable Chef Tamra Patterson to talk about restaurant’s new location, vintage candy, her grandmother’s legacy, and much more!

Memphis Musicology

What’s this about then?

“Memphis Musicology” is a podcast brought to you from the Memphis Rock N Soul Museum sheds a unique perspective on the history, future, and present state of Memphis’ storied and legendary music scene, and stay up-to-date on all of the best that the Bluff City has to offer.

Start Here: S3:E5: Coronavirus Blues: On this episode of Memphis Musicology, we play some of our favorite Memphis tunes relating to the themes of our current troubled time: madness isolation, illness, and the evolution of life and sound through the Coronavirus Era and more.

Southern Hollows

What’s this about then?

In the grand tradition of Serial, Lore, and the Last Podcast on the Left, we have decided to treat you to a bit of a darker type of podcast to explore. The bridge of podcasting popularity was built on true crime podcasts, and what better way to celebrate the format than to share our very own Southern Hollows Podcast. 

Start Here Episode 2: Routine Papers: Georgia Tann – For forty years — and as many as 5,000 babies — Georgia Tann used political influence to steal children and operate a nationwide adoption business. Meet the relentless woman who wrecked thousands of families, presided over the deaths and abuse of countless — and brought adoption into the American mainstream.  

Did we miss a Podcast you absolutely love? Let us know on Twitter!

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