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Memphis woman illustrates children’s book by Ludacris

This article originally appeared at on August 12th, 2022

A young woman from Memphis is getting attention from all over the world for her art.

She recently illustrated a book by famous rapper and actor, Ludacris Bridges. The book, “Daddy and Me and the Rhyme to Be,” has Parker-Nia Gordon’s name on the cover.

“They said that ‘Ludacris wanted you to illustrate his book’, and after I finished screaming, we (got to it,)” said Gordon.

Gordon’s digital iPad illustrations turned into the pages of a heartwarming children’s book.

“For this project, we had Karma, who is the original character of the TV show ‘Karma’s World.’ I was supposed to make Karma younger, which is why you will see the overalls and you will see her with a skirt and a dress,” said Gordon.

But it’s not just the art. The book’s message tells a story that kids and adults can admire.

“To see a Black father and Black daughter. The love they have and connection. Even though I did not have a father figure, (kids) can see this and know how it is,” said Gordon.

And even though she’s working with big names like Ludacris, Gordon is also working locally. She has an art show on September 17, 2022 at the TONE art gallery on Lamar.

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