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In Memphis, we know how important it is to use your voice. Standing up to oppression, singing your heart out, and telling your story are some of the ways us Memphians use our voices loudly and proudly to create change. Shaveh uses her talent of spoken word to connect with those around her.

Finding her passion in the fourth grade, poetry has given her an outlet to put her energy to good use. Even though she originally wanted to be a rapper, poetry and writing drew her in. Lyrics and tones used in the music industry are a form of poetry in and of itself, so it’s no wonder that she connected the two at such a young age to showcase her talents.

Memphis inspires Shaveh because it’s the place “where soul was born.” Everyone who has stepped foot into this city has felt this first-hand. Her friends and family have had their own experiences with this energy, and their stories give her inspiration for new content. The divine energy within herself, our city, and those around us deserves to be felt by others too. Being able to embody the legacy of Memphis can come from any of your talents.

Don’t know what this “energy” is that we’re talking about? Come feel it for yourself and be inspired.

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