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Porsha Parks

Memphis has been ranked a top U.S. city for women entrepreneurs. In a city where women thrive, empowering the future generation of women is vital to continue this trend.  With this in mind, Porsha Parks founded BOLD Athletics 901.  BOLD isn’t your average volleyball training; Porsha works tirelessly to make sure her players use their talents to get a college education.

Built on Legendary Dreams

Growing up, Porsha didn’t exactly have an adult like her to look up to, and she wanted young girls in our community to have a role model.  Porsha believes that giving these girls something positive to work on will keep them out of trouble, and she’s given many young ladies the opportunity to grow in a safe environment.  Having more youth with goals and dreams they want to achieve could decrease bullying, open up doors for education scholarships, and so much more.

To Porsha, bringing your soul means doing everything with passion and purpose.  Nobody goes half speed in Memphis – we are all pushing the boundaries.  Doing things to the max with no reservation is how she lives and coaches.  Equipping our youth with skills to better their talents is what it’s all about.

Think you could have what it takes?  Head to to learn more!

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