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Almetria Turner

Most Southerners can agree that food is one of the cornerstones of our culture.Yeah, other regions of the country eat too, but there’s just something about soul food that brings us comfort and brings us closer together. Like many, Almetria Turner found herself using food to bring her solace during the good times and the bad. And like many, she has ditched her bad relationship with food. This avid blogger and lifestyle coach has turned her bad experiences into her passion: helping others break up with old habits.

Fit by Forty

At only 36, she was sick and tired of being sick and tired. Tennessee is in the heart of the diabetes belt, and Almetria found herself affected by the disease. Being diagnosed with hypertension and type 2 diabetes, she looked at her life and knew things had to change. And just like that, the ‘Fit by Forty’ mantra was born and her life did a complete 180. She’s lost over 175 pounds, reversed her diabetes, no longer has hypertension, and is medication-free!

Being her first client, Almetria Turner has experienced first-hand all the struggles that come with changing your lifestyle. Her life became hers again and it’s been full force ever since. The new mantra for her is ‘50 by 50’; she plans on running half marathons in all 50 states by the time she’s 50. Sheer mental strength and willingness started her journey, and she isn’t near done yet.

Fit and Finally Free

Her blog, Fit and Finally Free, is dedicated to food, fitness, faith, feelings, and most of all, fun. Almetria seeks to help people who are going through the same journey she started a decade ago. Her story has been told on NBC’s The Today Show, on talk shows, and in magazines.  Empowering others all over the world has become a passion for Almetria.


Memphis is a city that allows you to show your emotions without feeling remorse for doing so. Almetria has met so many people with stories like hers, but Memphis’s Soul comes from the moments of weakness and strength that make everyone’s story unique. Finding your authentic self is something our city pushes us towards. Go check out Almetria’s blog to see how you can become your best self, and when you do, be your best unapologetically.

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