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Ways the People of Memphis are Changing the World

Memphis will always be a city about its people. Beyond the buildings, the facade, the street names and the waterways, Memphis is about the people who call it home and do what they can to make it a better place. To change the world, it is important to change Memphis.

So as Memphis grows, the community, the state and the nation will also grow. There are dozens of people in Memphis who are working to make the city a better place, and, as such, change the world at the same time. Here are just a few of them.

Eli Townsend

Eli Townsend has brought his own take on soul food back to Memphis. Townsend was born here and has spent much of his younger life living around the South, including Little Rock, Arkansas. Finding his calling as a chef, he eventually returned to his home city and opened Sage, a restaurant that offers a high-end yet relaxing dining atmosphere. Because food is the tunnel to a person’s heart, Eli Townsend is changing hearts, which eventually helps to change minds.

Brandice Daniel

Brandice Daniel was born and raised in Memphis. She eventually moved to Harlem, where she thrives as a fashion designer, focusing on her African heritage while bringing in bold, colorful design choices to make her clothing fashion-forward while showcasing the connection with her roots.

Although her primary residence is in New York City, her intimate connection with Memphis is now highlighting the talented individuals living in Memphis. She is one of the utmost fashion beacons originating in Memphis, and she continues to point the spotlight on the city. This shows that even when Memphians move on, they are always (and will always be) a Memphian.

Carolyn Michael-Banks

It is important for people to understand history. History isn’t always comfortable. In fact, it is often extremely uncomfortable. People since the dawn of civilization have done terrible things to one another, and yet it is necessary to learn about these times. When people gloss over the bad, they are more likely to repeat it. Carolyn Michael-Banks discovered all of this during her time as a tour guide in Washington, D.C., and decided to take it upon herself to provide tours of Memphis, educating locals and visitors alike not only of the good but of the uncomfortable aspects of Memphis history. This way, she touches the lives of every single person she speaks with. Because wherever people are from, true knowledge is always power.

Changing the world, one person at a time

Change doesn’t occur overnight. While an individual moment may prove to be the catapult that leads to change, it often requires thousands of hours of work and dedication to reach that point. Each and every one of these people does what they love, and they love where they live, which is Memphis. If you have a passion for the city or want to become inspired in starting your own journey, these are some of the individuals you should look to. Because if they can change Memphis, then so can you. So, why not start doing business in Memphis?

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