The Spooky Season is upon us. Even in the middle of a Pandemic, Halloween is not a holiday to be taken lightly. Here are 10 ways (5 for us Big Kids, and 5 for our own kids) to enjoy the Best Holiday Ever, while still remaining socially responsible and distanced!
1. Play Clue (over zoom) dressed up as your favorite Character!
First up on our socially distant halloween to do list is a callback to generations passed. Bust out that old game of Clue and have at it! The classic board game comes stock with a slew of characters to choose from, from the affable Professor Plum, to the mysterious Miss Scarlet, all of which you can find cheap costume appointments to add to the hilariousness and terror! Best performance WINS HALLOWEEN!

2. Do a Tarot Card Reading
Tap into the world of magic and mystery, and have a whole lot of fun doing so. Ever fancy yourself a fortune teller? Have a go at it now, as you perform the role with panache and style! Grab a deck of tarot cards, throw on the spooky music and have your friends drop by for a reading! Call me now!

3. Host a Horror Themed watch Party!
We have the technology! We can share the scares today! Find yourself a few of the most deranged and terrifying horror films out there, and host a virtual watch party with your friends. Check out this article from for the best tricks and tips!
4. Have a Pumpkin Carving Contest on Facebook groups
It’s time to celebrate the season with the time honored tradition of carving a Jack O’Lantern. This year, stay safe and socially distant by doing so with friends and family over facebook groups! Create a group and invite your friends to the party. Everyone plans to have their Jackolanterns prepared by the big day! Share photos, stories, and even spin a yarn on the origin of your toothless pal.

5. Mix a Spooky Cocktail
Halloween takes place on a Saturday this year, which gives you plenty of time to celebrate, and recover from the big day! Mix yourself a batch of Autumn Sangria or Pumpkin butter bourbon, and have at it. Share stories of Halloween past with friends from a safe distance, and make a drinking game out of it! “Remember When you dressed up like batman when you were 6? – That’s a story from your childhood, take a shot!”
Ideas to share with the whole family!
1. Decorate your home with Spooky and silly Halloween Décor!
There is nothing quite like a home adorned with the things that go bump in the night. Just because trick or treating this year will certainly look and feel very different from years past, doesn’t mean that you can’t break out the silly skulls and gruesome gravestones and create a horror scene all in your own front yard! Take many pictures and share them with friends and family to celebrate the season!

2. Have your kids cosplay as their favorite cartoon or movie, while having a movie marathon!
From the Avengers to Dora the Explorer, there is a limitless number of ideas for your kids to pick from for their Socially distant halloween this year. Take a survey, and find out who they want to be! Now, have them play out their favorite characters’ lives while enjoying the show (both on TV, and in front of your eyes!) Don’t forget the candy!
3. Face painting party with kids
Gather your family, its about to get artsy! Instead of buying masks this year, why don’t you take the time to get creative and have a face painting party with your children! Create a spooky ambience with music and decorations, and have your little one choose from a few options! Take liberties with the makeup and have a laugh and make a memory!

4. Throw a fall crafting party
This year, bring the family together by making your own halloween decorations! Carve the pumpkin, create a few ghosts and ghouls out of construction paper and crayons, and decorate everywhere! Your kids will love spending the time on their very own decorations, and have a story to bring back to their friends!
5. Play Halloween Video games!
There is no shortage of video games on all systems that share a good deal of frights and scares. Load up a frightening game (or download special halloween based content for a few dollars) and have your little ghosts gather around the game to take turns playing in a world of frights!
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