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Looking to relocate your business to Memphis? Here’s how to do it!

Are you looking for a new destination for your business? With so many possible locations around the country, there is no limit to possible options. So, it is important to do your homework and dive into what each city can offer you. There are a number of reasons why you should consider Memphis, ranging from its centralized location in the United States to its growing economy and access to rail, air, and road shipping lanes, not to mention a qualified and skilled workforce. If you find Memphis is the right fit for your business needs, here is what you’ll need to do when relocating your business to Memphis.

Check out tax and business incentives

One reason why you might select Memphis over other destinations isn’t just because of its centralized location or less expensive properties than New York or Los Angeles. It’s because of the tax incentives. You want a location that will help you save money while boosting productivity and profits. There are a number of tax incentives available to you when you move your business to Memphis.

Through the Greater Memphis Chamber, you can search through the different incentives available to your business. This includes tax incentives, infrastructure and utility incentives, training and workforce incentives, plus financing incentives. So prior to any move, make sure to check out the Greater Memphis Chamber website for all financial opportunities available to you.

Small and minority-owned business services

Beyond the incentives open to all businesses moving into Memphis, there are added perks of owning a small business or being a minority running a business. The Tennessee Business Enterprise Resource Office (BERO) offers a number of business plan development services, which can include everything from B2B networking to assist with procurement. Before opening up shop, you should look into these services to find out if, or how, BERO can help you save money and get your business up and running faster.

Moving companies

If you’re moving equipment and goods from another city, you will need to book a moving company that is well respected and accredited. This way you know you’re working with a quality service provider who will get your company to Memphis in one piece. While the exact moving provider will vary depending on where you’re located, you need to consider BBB accredited companies and then go with the moving company that best fits your commercial and business needs. You can visit the website for more information on accredited moving companies that can transit all of your business material from your current destination to Memphis. After all, you have all kinds of work to put in prior to the move. Having a professional take care of the moving services for you can make things that much easier (and give you one less thing to stress over).

Additional reading

We Are Memphis

Greater Memphis Chamber

Greater Memphis Chamber Incentives Page

Tennessee Business Resources

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